Monday, December 8, 2008


You know the cliche, life gets busy? Well, life has been just that the last two, brimming months. Tonight I'm up way past my bed time, which is a relative statement when you work full time, take six hours of grad school and try to balance it all while pursuing Christ and managing a engaging social calendar ;) That said, I'm up late catching up on blogs of my friends who have been on dissimilar adventures this past year. One friend has gone through severe health trauma, long, painful treatments and extended seclusion from family, while another pair of pals have set off to travel the world with their dry fit undies and telephoto lens. Readings their stories puts my simple stress and small adventures in a pale light, but nevertheless, their stories and mine, paint vividly beautiful stokes of color on a canvas tribute to the glorious faithfulness of the Father.

So, just what have I been up to this past 8 weeks? Well...

I took a nerdy Discovery Channel audio tour of The Alamo, on a recruiting trip to San Antonio. I learned many historical facts central to the culture of the lone star state, none so irrelevant as that Davy Crocket died during the short battle we now remember so fervently as gallant patriots.
My favorite site in San Anton were the River Walk and the beautiful old cathedral on the plaza that I can no longer remember the name memory banks must have been already maxed out by The Alamo...
While down south, I also joined my co-workers for a conference in Corpus Christi. We took an evening cruise to the Texas State Aquarium on a boat (not the replica of the Nina or the battle ship---just a regular people barge)
Thanksgiving found me grateful to have a few days with my family, celebrating in traditional fashion, shooting Auntie Karen's 44 and if I might mention, doing it better than the boys, thank you very much. AND, I got to see Joann! She took me to my first ever CYT (Christian Youth Theatre) production, which just happened to be my favorite musical, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." We also frolicked in the park, sang carols, drank coffee and watched a really anti-climatic Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
Back home (in Texas) Kate and I had a fun "date night" at the American Airlines Center watching the Stars beat the Avalanche in an over time shoot out. I'm not sure if I am now a hockey fan, but it was super fun (minus the scantilly clad ice girls whose sole purpose in life it seems at least in terms of their employment is to remove ice shavings during time outs while looking good in a mid drift) There was a picture of the arena, but it didn't load. Dang, no ice girls for ya'll.
These are just a few cute additions that have found their way into my heart and home, mostly seasonal, as you can see, but I might "keep 'em around another week, ten days."