I was recently introduced to a southern high school homecoming tradition; the giving and wearing of "mums." Through casual conversation I learned that I should expect to see mums appearing in grocery stores for purchase. Naturally I assumed that mums were corsages that I'm used to seeing in the Northwest. That, however, is entirely incorrect. Mums are perhaps the ultimate manifestation of all that is truly gaudy and over the top in the South.
You may think I'm exaggerating, but I think you may agree with me once you witness photographic evidence. As you see, mums consistent of literally reams of ribbons, bows and assorted trinkets. Mums are customized for the recipient, typically with the name of the wearer's date and possibly accented with school colors and activities the date or datee may be involved in. The male versions are, of course, entirely understated, worn on the upper arm and proceeding not much lower than the elbow. A lady mum, on the over hand, has it's own zip code.
How much do these beauties cost? I'm told somewhere in the range of $80 per pop. Don't worry though, they're worn with pride and then preserved in boxes long into the wearer's adult years. Priceless. There are some things money can't buy, but apparently frivolous, tacky ribbon pom pom badges aren't among them.
I've totally heard of those. They really ARE real :-) haha! Sarah you are an incredible writer. Your mom told me about your blog and I went back and read all your posts. You are so funny. Keep writing...I'm reading!
Now I know what pictures to ask for from parents of friends who went to high school in Texas.
My real question is this: how in the world (or entire universe, for that matter) is it STILL possible (no matter how long the standing tradition) to convince nearly grown men to wear the entire bow and ribbon section of a greeting card section on their arms?
Wouldn't catch this redneck wearing one of those!
If you wouldn't have had the proof in the pictures I would have never believed this! So weird!
Well, that is definitly a new one on me. Glad I did'nt live in Texas as a teen ager
I live in Texas, and homecoming is fixing to be here. Yes, we do that. It's not something any of us think us unusual. As children we see all the older kids wearing them. The guys typically wear it to show off the simple fact that they have a date. Ha ha. Some of them also like having the tiny cowbells right on their arm so it's very easy to annoy the teachers. A few guys like wearing the garter (a guy's mum) because it shows off their football number (which many guys down here take EXTREME pride in). The girls... Well they're girls. They love having these gotty things strapped to them (even though they weigh so much, some girls have to wear them as necklaces so it doesn't rip their clothing)... This will be my first year to receive a mum and give a garter. So excited! :)
(and by the way, my date was the one that said he wanted to exchange them, when I gave him the choice)
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