What says Spring Break better than baiting mule deer to the front porch, posin' with The General (Jessica Simpson has nothing on this), paying tribute to THE Smokey (the bear) and seeing Kent in his natural Odessan Jackalope habitat? Honestly, you might say, "umm...duh, Cancun?" Well, I'm sorry, but, you're entirely wrong. See, I even have photographic evidence.

See, even Kent was moved by the sociocultural significance of one black bear's lifetime

but, don't worry, he got over it. Go Odessa Jackalopes! Trust me, the American Airlines Center has nothing on the Ector County Colosseum. As if the brawling game fans weren't enough, behind us was the famous local arena football team, the Odessan "Roughnecks." Really, it was a cultural West Texan experience.

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