Monday, July 14, 2008

My First Fried Ball of Corn Bread

Apparently they're called "hush puppies." Yes, like the shoe brand. On the menu they were listed as simply "pups." They pack a satisfying superficial crunch, complemented by the soft doughy center which boasts both the traditional cornbready goodness with a hint of jalepeno.
My generous dinner companions also made sure that I sampled other local delicacies, such as gator tail and fried pickles. Now, unlike the hush puppies, which are in fact NOT silently deep fried doggie nuggets, the gator tail is in fact the deep fried tail of an alligator, served in portions not dissimilar to popcorn chicken but much chewier.
Now, for some naive reason, I'd imagined that fried pickles were somehow served whole. I recall visions of giant Vlasic's dills, deep fried and served across your plate like a banana slug. However, they are in fact ingeniously pre-sliced into delicate crinkle cut coins, deep fried to artery clogging perfection. I loved them.
Stairmaster, here I come!


joann boswell said...

Deep fried doggie nuggets?
Banana slugs?

You, my luscious friend, need a job as a food critic/writer.

I am astounded (as ever) at your miracle-working with words.

Falling more in love with you daily,
Bemused in Bend

kfieg said...

Mmmmmm...sign me up for that artery clogging goodness! Love reading your blogs! Miss and Love you so much! :)

Unknown said...

Kayt and I are sitting in coffee culture reading your blogs and living vicariously through your words. oh those beautiful words...mmmmmmmm why you may ask? Well..we are just plain boreddddddd. So, our dear sister, you are basically the excitement in our evening lives...Because you know, our minds are occupied during the days with thoughts of ducks butts and mondo burritos. Not together..err, that's gross. But, duck holes and burritos aside, we just want to say WE LOVE YOU.

Cracked out in Corvallis

LDeanM said...

You can keep the alligator in texas. I am not a fan of food that bounces back in your mouth. But, the fried pickles maybe. Love reading your adventures. Keep it up. You inspire me. Love ya.

Unknown said...

Fried pickles and hush puppies are the best! I grew up with hush puppies but just was introduced to fried pickles when I moved to north Florida (aka, lower Alabama!)
I love reading your posts. You are so good with words.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.